Araya Human Rights Organisation
A refugee said "I cannot go back to my country because of the following points: 1. Imprisonment and Persecution 2. Torture and punishment 3. Electric torture 4. Beating with the stick on the feet (corporal punishment) 5. threatening me to be killed 6. Lack of human rights organizations which can lobby against human rights violation in the country. 7. Threatening to abuse my family members. 8. Demolition of my house. Due to all that I can’t go back".
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توقيع اتفاق سلام بين اطراف النزاع في الزاوية - لقد وقعت اطراف النزاع في الزاوية صلحا بموجبة تقف الحرب وتنتهي وهذا بفضل الله .. لكن هناك قنبلة وضعت في برميل قمامة في الشارع امام المحلات وعندما ارادوا ا...
استنكار لقانون التشهير والقذف في ليبيا - *منظمة الراية لحقوق الانسان* *E mail : *** *Blog:* *التاريخ/ 01/01/2014 * *رقم اشاري / 0001177* *إستنكار* *لق...
Jan 1, 2014
استنكار لقانون التشهير والقذف في ليبيا
Oct 7, 2013
United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL)
Feb 12, 2012
Dec 6, 2011
اتقـــــوا الله في نسائنــــــا
(يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُواْ رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالاً كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاء وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءلُونَ بِهِ وَالأَرْحَامَ إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا) (1) سورة النساء .
سبق وان تكلمت في مقالي (لماذا لجأ القذافي لاغتصاب حرائر ليبيا ) عن مصير المرأة المغتصبة وتطرقت لوضعها وأسباب لجوء القذافي لاستخدم هذا النوع من الجرائم العنيفة ، واليوم أتابع بمقالي هذا الحال الذي وصل إليه ضحايا الاعتداء لأنه ازداد سوءا وتعقيدا بعد ازدياد حالات الانتحار والهرب والطلاق .
حالات الاغتصاب في ليبيا من جراء الحرب التي خضناها لأجل ازاله الطاغية من سدة الحكم وصل عددها إلي (8000 ضحية ) ، من المتورط الحقيقي المرأة المغتصبة أم القذافي وأبناءه والبغدادي المحمودي الذي ثبت عليه تهمة إلقاء الأوامر والتحريض علي الاغتصاب من خلال تسجيلاته الصوتية ، أم المرأة الضعيفة التي تعرضت للاغتصاب مكرهه ؟
إن الحالات التي هدمت فيها البيوت ودمر كيانها الأسري جراء الاغتصاب ليست أعدادا بسيطة 20% نساء أزواجهن هجروهن 30% طلقن ونسبة كبيرة منهن خارج ليبيا لم يعودوا إلي الوطن في تونس ومصر بدون أي دعم مالي فتايات قاصرات في سن المراهقة إضافة إلي نساء مازلن يعشن مع أزواجهم ولكن يتعرضن للإهانة والضرب والعنف .
هل المجتمع قبلي متشدد ؟ أم أن الناس لا تريد أن تواجه جريمة الاغتصاب التي يستغربها المجتمع وحتى يرفض الخوض في تفاصيلها ويعتبر الحديث عنها جرم كبير ؟
الفتيات اللواتي يرفضن الرجوع إلي بيوتهم مخافة القتل من ذويهم هل يجوز محاسبتهم علي ذنب لم يقترفوه ؟
هل ستظل بناتنا بلا دعم بلا مكان يحتضنهن ويأويهن هل سنتركهن فريسة للمستغلين بالداخل والخارج ؟
بلا بيوت وبلا طعام وبلا مأوى ، إن القذافي أجرم عندما أصدر أوامر باغتصاب النساء والقاصرات والرجال أيضا ولكن المجتمع أيضا أجرم لأنه أصدر قراره في نبذ ضحايا الاغتصاب وفي تهديدهم بالقتل أليس الجوع والتشرد جرم ؟
لماذا لم يتم إعادة هذه الحالات إلي وطنهم لماذا تركن إلي حد هذه اللحظة بلا مرجع إن كانت أهاليهم رفضت استقبالهم فالمجتمع والدولة لابد أن لا تتركهم ؟ .
نحن نعلم أن هناك جهات مختصة كثيرة تحاول حل هذه المشاكل ولكن بدون دعم الأهل كيف ستحل الأمور ؟
كيف ستقابلون وجه الله ماذا ستقولون له هل ستقولوا لأجل سمعتنا قتلنا بناتنا لأجل كلام الناس ذبحنا وشاركنا القذافي جرائمه هو ذبح بناتنا ونحن مزقنا لحمهن ؟
لقد أجمع فقهاء الإسلام أن المرأة إذا استكرهت على الزنا ، وغلبت على أمرها فلا يقام عليها الحد لأنها مكرهة ، وفي الحديث الصحيح (إن الله وضع عن أمتي الخطأ والنسيان وما استكرهوا عليه( .
السؤال هنا أليس القتل جريمة يعاقب عليها الله تعالي آلا يعتبر حراما ؟
إلي أين أيها الناس انتم هاربون من عدالة الله اتقوا الله مدوا أيديكم لبناتكم احتضنوهن ضموهن إليكم هن مجاهدات شريفات لم يمارسن البغاء والرذيلة ، هن نساء عفيفات وأطفال أبرياء اهكذا نعاملهم ؟
أين المسئولين أين القانون الذي يكفل الحماية لبناتنا ؟ الأهالي الذين يقتلون أبناءهم ونساءهم أليس هناك من يقوم بمنعهم وتوعيتهم أليس هناك جهات مختصة من المفترض أن تقوم بدور المرشد ؟ أين رجال الدين من هذا ؟ الساكت عن الحق شيطان اخرس !!
الأسر التي قتلت نساءهن لأنهن اغتصبن الأهالي الذين كمموا أفواه بناتهم حتي لا يتكلمن مخافة المجتمع أليسوا هم بحاجة للعلاج والرعاية والتأهيل النفسي هل كلام الناس أهم من رضا الله ؟
النساء اللواتي انتحرن بأي ذنب نحاسبهم ذنبهن في رقبة القذافي وحده أم ذنبهن في رقبة أهاليهم الذين دفعوهن للتخلص من أرواحهن ومن إحساسهم بالعار وهؤلاء المستعدين والمؤهلين نفسيا للانتحار لان أهاليهم تخلوا عنهم ذنبهم في رقبة من.. أليس في رقابنا جميعا ؟ قال (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) ما أكرم النساء إلا كريم وما أهانهن إلا لئيم .
هناك حالات قاموا أهاليهم بتزويجهن بشكل صوري دون إعطاءهم الحق في عيش حياتهن الزوجية بشكل حقيقي ويتم حبسهن بانتظار الموت .
إلي متى ستبقي أفواهنا مكممة ؟ إلي متي سنشارك جميعنا في هذا الجرم دون أن نتعرض له أو منعه أو نحاول إيقافه بأي شكل من الأشكال إنساني كان اوقانوني تحت أي مظلة لابد أن يتوقف هذا العنف الذي نتج عن العنف ؟
قال الرسول الأكرم (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) : من آذى النساء بغير حق فأنا خصمه يوم القيامة .
العلاج النفسي والتأهيل النفسي مهم جدا لابد أن ندعم بناتنا وأن نقف معهن لا أن نتركهن للاكتئاب والهلاك والانتحار الجنون والانحلال ، ساعدوا بناتكم كل بيت فيه حاله لابد من إخضاعها للعلاج كل أب لابد أن يسافر ويحضر ابنته ويحتويها ، اتقوا الله في أنفسكم وفي بناتكم الطاهرات الشريفات بناتكم هن تاج العفة والشرف أي رجل شريف نبيل يتمني الزواج بهن وسيفخر لأنه سيتزوج امرأة مجاهده لا تقل في مقاومتها ووطنيتها عن أي رجل في ساحة القتال افخروا ببناتكم ولا تنظروا للتقاليد الجاهلة والتخلف الذي فرضه علينا القذافي طوال حكمه ، لماذا قامت ثورتنا الم تقم لأجل التمرد علي الجهل والعقد والأمراض التي فرضت علينا ؟
الم يتعرض بعض الرجال أيضا للاغتصاب ؟ هل سمعتم عن امرأة طلبت الطلاق أو هجرت زوجها ؟
نحن هنا لا نريد أن نلقي باللوم علي احد لا رجل ولا امرأة ولكن لماذا يلقي البعض باللوم علي المرأة لأنها تعرضت للاعتداء أليس بوسعنا أن نتهم الرجال أيضا بالتقصير لماذا لم تقوموا بحماية نساءكم ؟ لماذا سمحتم بان يعتدي عليهن أمام أعينكم من المسؤؤل هنا ؟ الم تكن مكبلا مكمم الفم الم يقيدوك الكتائب وأنت الرجل ذو القوة ولك القوامة الم تشعر بالضعف والعجز وأنت غير قادر علي حماية ابنتك أو زوجتك كيف تطلب من امرأة ضعيفة بلا حول أو قوة إن تمنع هذا الاعتداء البشع عليها ثم تمارس عليها بالتالي دور الجلاد لتضربها وتذلها وتحكم عليها بالموت البطيء .. لماذا ؟ .
هذه بلادنا استشهد لأجلها الآلاف ومزقت أجساد الأطفال وشوهت نفوسنا وقلوبنا ولكن لأجل وطننا نعيش ونموت آلا يستحق الوطن أن ننظر إليه بابتسامة تفاؤل وان ننسي كل شئ ونتذكر لبعضنا الحب والعشرة الطيبة .
قال تعالي( وَمَا لَكُمْ لاَ تُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ وَالْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاء وَالْوِلْدَانِ الَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا أَخْرِجْنَا مِنْ هَذِهِ الْقَرْيَةِ الظَّالِمِ أَهْلُهَا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ وَلِيًّا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ نَصِيرًا (75) سورة النساء (إِلاَّ الْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاء وَالْوِلْدَانِ لاَ يَسْتَطِيعُونَ حِيلَةً وَلاَ يَهْتَدُونَ سَبِيلاً) (98) سورة النساء وهنا وقع وصف الرجولة على الضعفاء مقرونين بالنساء والولدان ، فلا تلوم ضعف المرأة أمام آلة الحرب التي لا تعرف سوى قوة الشر والفساد ، لقد مات القذافي تحت احذيه شبابنا لا تجعلوه ينتصر علينا وهو في قبره بأن يفسد عيشنا وحياتنا وامننا ويدمر استقرارنا عودوا لبيوتكم ترفقوا بنسائكم .
أريد أن اشكر واثني علي كل الآباء والأزواج الذين عالجوا بناتهم ونسائهم وزوجاتهم ولم يتخلوا عنهن وأقول لهم إن الرجولة مواقف وشهامة يقول الله تعالى(من المؤمنين [رجال] صدقوا ما عاهدوا الله عليه )، والرجال هم الذين يصدقون ويوفون بوعودهم كما أوصي رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام بالنساء فارجعوا إلي الله يقول تعالي (وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَى) .
Nov 23, 2011
Five injured in revenge attack on Maltese-owned Palm City in Libya

Karl Stagno-Navarra
Sources explained that the incident happened on Monday night when a fighter from Misurata returned to Palm City with a gang of 40 armed men, after being asked to leave the luxury compound some weeks ago by the management.
The fighter - identified as Osman - led his gang to a shoot-out with Palm City security guards at the main gate, injuring at least three men, and the gang later proceeded to spray the buildings with bullets.
Osman and his gang ransacked some villas in their search for the Maltese-run management, who at the time was not in the compound, but damage was done to some buildings and another two people inside were also injured.
One of the injured, a man from Benghazi was reportedly in bed when he was hit by bullets that came through the window.
While the injured were treated on site and later in hospital, the case was reported to the National Transitional Council, who through the local commanders have initiated investigations.
No Maltese were injured in the shooting. The ring-leader has reportedly been arrested by the NTC.
The militia group from Misrata had previously stayed at Palm City but were not allowed back in. The compound is used by many U.N. and oil company executives, who were swift to thank the managemnet for the swift end to the incident.
"I was in my room when I heard shooting," the witness said. "They were using rifles and heavy machine guns."
Witnesses spoke about bullet holes on the walls of the building closest to the entrance gate, as well as on a glass door of a balcony on the ground floor. Bullet shells lay scattered outside. Managers of the complex was not immediately reachable for comment.
Attempts by MaltaToday to contact the Maltese management at Palm City this morning proved futile.
A European worker, who declined to be named, said he was in the compound when the shooting broke out. "I was on the phone ... and I could hear the gunshots," he said. "They didn't know what was going on."
Three months after Col. Muammar Gaddafi was ousted from Tripoli, post-war Libya is still grappling with a lack of order and bristling with weapons.
Prime Minister designate Abdurrahim El-Keib announced his new government yesterday, which will have the tough task of asserting its control of a fractured country, building institutions from scratch and disarming militias.
Celebratory gun shots can still be heard sporadically across Tripoli and anti-aircraft fire could be briefly heard in the city.
Armed militias are acting as a pseudo-police force: setting up road checkpoints, directing traffic and arresting those they regard as criminals.
Earlier this month, heavy fighting between local armed groups killed several people on the outskirts of Tripoli.
Nov 21, 2011
Emergency Protest at Egyptian Embassy
called by Wassim Wagdy, Egyptian activist from Cairo visiting Dublin today.
Please spread the word.
Nov 17, 2011
توقف العمل بمستشفى طرابلس المركزي(شارع الزاوية) نتييجة إضراب العاملين بالستشفى

علمت منظمة الراية لحقوق الإنسان بتوقف المستشفى عن العمل بسبب إعتداءات متكررة على الأطباء والممرضين العاملين بالمستشفى .
قدم إلى مكتب المنظمة بطرابلس بتاريخ 13\11\2011 بعض الأطباء العاملين بالمستشفى وقد قاموا بتقديم شكوى تتضمن الإعتداء عليهم بالضرب من قبل المسؤولين على الأمن بالمستشفى وقال الدكتور س أنه كان كان متواجدا بالعمل وكان في فترة إستراحة معا زملائه في مقهى المستشفى ، فأتى إليهم القائمين بالحراسات في المستشفى وقال لهم :- ماذا تفعلون هنا ، إرجعوا إلى عملكم .
وحدتت مجادلة بين الأطباء وعناصر الأمن ، وإستنكر الأطباء تدخل عناصر الأمن في شؤون المستشفى
وتسارعت الأحدات فتم الإعتداء على الطبيب س بالضرب المبرح من قبل عناصر الأمن بدون أي وجه حق
و واصال الطبيب كلامة حيث قال أنه في اليوم التالي ذهب ليشتكي فوجها صعوبات عدة لعدم وجود أي جهات أمنية متخصصه فالبعض يقولوا له ((لا نستطيع أن نعمل أي شيء لك )) ، ((والبعض التالي قالوا أنهم سيتدخلون لعمل مصالحة بين الطبيب والعناصر الذين اعتدو بالضرب عليه )) وأبلغنا الطبيب بعدم تواجد أجهزة أمنية تستطيع محاسبة الكثير من أمثال عناصر الأمن هؤلاء .
وتفاجئت المنظمة أنه تم الإعتداء على طبيب أخر في نفس اليوم 13\11\2011 .
ونتيجة لسوء الأوضاع الأمنية بالمستشفى وخوف الأطباء والعاملين بالمستشفى على حياتهم فقد دخل مايقارب ال 150 طبيب في إضراب عن العمل وذلك إحتجاجا على سوء الأوضاع الأمنية بالمستشفى واليوم 14\11\2011 المستشفى شبه متوقف عن العمل بإستثناء غرفة العمليات .
Nov 16, 2011
The US Congress is debating a law that would give them the power to censor the world's Internet
Under the new law, the US could force Internet providers to block any website on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even failing to sufficiently police their users' activities. And, because so much of the Internet's hosts and hardware are located in the US, their blacklist would clamp down on the free web for all of us.
The vote could happen any day now, but we can help stop this -- champions in Congress want to preserve free speech and tell us that an international outcry would strengthen their hand. Let’s urgently raise our voices from every corner of the world and build an unprecedented global petition calling on US decision makers to reject the bill and stop Internet censorship. Click below to sign and then forward as widely as possible -- our message will be delivered directly to key members of the US Congress ahead of the crucial vote:
For years, the US government has condemned countries like China and Iran for their clampdown on Internet use. But now, the impact of America's new censorship laws could be far worse -- effectively blocking sites to every Internet user across the globe.
Last year, a similar Internet censorship bill was killed before reaching the US Senate floor, but it's now back in a different form. Copyright laws already exist and are enforced by courts. But this new law goes much further -- granting the government and big corporations enormous powers to force service providers and search engines to block websites based just on allegations of violations -- without a trial or being found guilty of any crime!
US free speech advocates have already raised the alarm, and some key Senators are trying to gather enough support to stop this dangerous bill. We have no time to lose. Let's stand with them to ensure American lawmakers preserve the right to a free and open Internet as an essential way for people around the world to exchange ideas, share communication and work collectively to build the world we want. Sign below to stop US censorship, and save the Internet as we know it:
In the past months, from the Arab Spring to the global Occupy Movement, we've seen first hand how the Internet can galvanize, unify and change the world. Now, if we stand together, we can stop this new attack on Internet freedom. We've done it before -- in Brazil and Italy, Avaaz members have won major victories in the fight for a free Internet. Let's take the fight global, and mobilize to defeat the most powerful censorship threat that the Internet has ever seen.
Nov 13, 2011
Gaddafi 'bedded four women before holding trade talks with Prince Andrew'
Libyan leader was addicted to sex and Viagra pills
By Craig Mackenzie
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Muammar Gadaffi bedded at least four women just hours before meeting Prince Andrew for trade talks, it was claimed today.
The Libyan dictator had a voracious sexual appetite and was so addicted to anti-impotence Viagra pills a nurse told him to cut down his intake.
The sordid world of the despot who was killed last month in the country's uprising, has been revealed by his manservant of seven years.
Voracious: Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi lived a life of extravagance and sexual addiction
Faisal, a young chef, cooked Andrew a 'traditional' dinner of tabouli, hummus and couscous when the prince met the Arab leader at the villa of one of his female friends.
Later Andrew, who's office has confirmed he dined with Gadaffi in November 2008, told Faisal it was the finest meal he had ever had and posed for a picture with him.
Trade ambassador: Prince Andrew had a meal with Gadaffi in 2008
The aide, now 29, said the royal trade ambassador discussed relations between Libya and Britain and an oil contract.
What Andrew was unaware of was Gaddafi's penchant for young women - many of whom were his bodyguards, according to Faisal.
He said: There were four or sometimes five women each day. They had just become a habit to Gadaffi.
'They would go into his bedroom, he would have his way with them and then he would come out like he had just blown his nose.'
Faisal, on leave from prison for the Muslim holiday of Eid, became friends with the bodyguards who were known as the 'Nuns of the Revolution'.
He told the Sunday Times: They all had sex with Gadaffi. The more canny of them became wealthy from his gifts of villas or large sums of cash.'
Faisal claimed that some of the women he bedded suffered so badly 'they went immediately from his bedroom to the hospital' to be treated for internal injuries.
His addiction to Viagra, said the aide, was so extensive that his Ukrainian nurse urged to him to reduce the number of pills he swallowed every day.
Gadaffi picked up victims at his former alma mater, Tripoli University, where he gave lectures and then led the young women to a nearby room whose only furniture was a double bed.
Faisal claimed that another aide was once sent to a sex district of Paris, to buy a machine that Gadaffi used to apparently lengthen his penis.
The despot was vain about his looks and demanded the aide dye his hair, cover up his baldness and use make-up and treatments with green tea to hide his wrinkles.
Faisal, who became a favourite of the dictator with his own house and car, sprayed a French-made lotion on the front of Gadaffi's head so his receding hairline would not be obvious.
The aide was forced to be his servant after death threats were made against his family unless he obeyed. Faisal was captured by anti-Gadaffi forces but is unlike to be charged.
Read more:
Tunisians, Turks Can Enter Libya Without Visa

The head of the Libyan National Transitional Council, Mostafa Abdul Jalil has recently announced that Tunisian and Turkish passport holders will be allowed to enter Libya without applying for a visa।
However, other nationalities such as Algerians, Moroccans, Syrians, and many other African Nationalities; are not allowed to enter the country without a visa.
Mr. Mustafa Abdul Jalil has sent official correspondence to TUNISAIR recommending that the airline should not accept in its flights passengers holding passports of the other nationalities who do not have a Libyan visa.
From the beginning of Libyan Revolution on February 17th, the Tunisian and Turkish governments supported the popular uprisings. Both nations have bilateral cooperation, open trade, strategic relations and a historical link with Libya. The government of Algeria was late in recognizing the National Transitional Council of Libya and has given sanctuary to former dictator Moammar Gadaffi’s wife Safia, daughter Aisha and sons Hannibal and Mohammed. Libya was the first Arab country to cut diplomatic relations with Bashar Al-Assad’s regime and has recognized the National Transitional Council of the Syrian opposition as the sole government of Syria. Libya is currently facing a diplomatic fallout with the many African nations that Moammar Gadaffi established strong ties to because they sent mercenaries to support the Gadaffi regime against the Libyan people.
Oct 31, 2011
Slain lensman's wife in plea to Libya's new leaders
The wife of photojournalist Anton Hammerl has pleaded with Libyans to help find her husband's body, which has not been found since his death there seven months ago.
"Dear people of Libya, we call on you to please be our hearts, eyes and ears in our search for the whereabouts of Anton's remains," Penny Sukraj-Hammerl wrote in a open letter posted on Facebook.
"Dear people of Libya, On November 5 it will be seven months since our lives became inextricably linked with your struggle for liberation," she wrote.
"On April 5, my husband, photojournalist Anton Hammerl, was gunned down by Gaddafi forces in the desert outside Brega."
He had been travelling with journalists James Foley, Manu Brabo and Clare Morgana Gillis, to document what was happening on the frontline.
They were arrested immediately after Hammerl was shot and were detained for six weeks before being freed. Hammerl's family only learnt of his death after their release.
Sukraj-Hammerl wrote: "I know your fight for freedom has come at a huge cost and immeasurably broken the lives of far too many families, who have been cruelly robbed of their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters."
She said the family could not rest until Hammerl was given a proper burial at a site where his children -- Aurora, Neo and baby Hiro -- could go to.
"God willing, one day we will make a pilgrimage to Libya, to celebrate your liberty, but to also find our own sense of peace and visit the place in the desert where my beloved husband fell."
Oct 5, 2011
Dr Ahmed Sewehli on mental health support
Do please ensure that you coordinate all mental health work in Misratah with Dr Ahmed.
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 5:23 PM, ahmed sewehli
Asalaam aleykum
I have returned from Misrata to the UK for a couple of weeks following 6 weeks there working as a psychiatrist. I did over 120 consultations (documented), 2 radio programmes (with psychologists and imams), plus informal group therapy with surgeons and physicians, as well as training in diagnosis and management for doctors and psychologists. During that time I officially set up the Misrata Psychiatry Team with the approval of the Misrata Medical Committee and Misrata Transitional Council.. Dr Nagi Barakat is also aware of this team. I , along with my colleague, will be training at least 2 junior doctors with an interest in psychiatry, at least one of whom will be female. There is already a junior female psychiatrist preparing to join us from Benghazi- she visited Misrata and I found her to be a very good doctor who is willing to help and learn. We have 2 pharmacists on the team, one with a special interest in psychotropic medication. I am still liaising with colleague managers and doctors to get a more permanent place as an OPD/headquarters for our team (it is not a question of just getting a building-many people have offered their private premises, but there are a number of factors which the team are considering). We are not considering inpatient department at this time due to the small number of psychiatrists and NO psychiatric nurses. This of course is very difficult as I have seen a number of patients who definitely needed admission but had to be managed by their families at home with intensive follow-up.
In terms of women, I saw many patients with depression and PTSD, as well as those who already had chronic illnesses mainly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I saw just one rape victim. I am sure there are more (but unsure of how many more). I have visited the senior gynaecologists of Misrata to discuss this, and to offer my services should the need arise. I have also discussed this issue with MSF, who have a stereotypical Western view about this issue (including insisting as in their protocol that I offered the victim a document stating that she had been raped in case she wished to go to court or claim financial compensation in future), although on meeting further with their psychologists and head of mission they seem to now understand the culture of Libya in general and Misrata in particular. As we were taught whilst training in psychiatry in the UK, psychiatry differs in different parts of the world according to the culture and environment.
Now, there are many independent social groups, women's groups, cultural groups in Misrata, all putting in a lot of effort in their own ways to 'find and support the rape victims'. Some may be doing a good job, others may not. What I do believe is that there are too many of these well-intentioned people, indeed they may be more than the number of cases. Allahu A3lam.
Since going to Misrata I have been approached by many international TV and newspaper journalists on the rape issue. I have declined all interviews related to this for the following reasons: 1) the whole world already knows about this and Gaddafi's crimes, I dont see how shouting louder would make any difference. 2) This will not encourage cases to come forward, and may indeed keep people away if you are going to be linked to just treating rape.
Dr Seham Sergewa (clinical psychologist who appeared on CNN and alJazeera) visited Misrata for a seminar 2 days before I left. She stayed in the journalists hotel which she did not want to leave(according to her psychologist colleague) as she was concerned for her safety (there was no obvious reason for this). Note that she came with her husband. She was accompanied to this seminar by a Misrata freedom fighter with a machine-gun at her request. In my six weeks in Misrata I have not seen one person being escorted like that, and no one is carrying a machine gun unless they are fighters (not even my father who is in Misrata and is wanted by Gaddafi after escaping prison).
During her seminar, which was attended by about 60-80 people, she stated the percentage of rape complaints in Europe and the Usa to be up to 25%. She also stated the number of rape cases in Rwanda and Bosnia. Then said that there were 1300 estimated cases in Libya.
Then she said that this uprising was done by Libyan men without asking the women (??). Then she said that Libyans do not respect women who do not wear hijab (??). Then, after going into explicit sexual detail about what rape was (I was the only person who kept kicking the children out who should not have been there for such an issue anyway), wait for this, she said: Rape victims who are not treated will either commit suicide or become prostitutes! ......(she used the word 'da3ara')
After 2 other people spoke I got my turn. I had been keeping notes, which I still have. I critically appraised her lecture, including the fact that the number of rape complaints in the West was not applicable to Libya (for obvious reasons). Also that the numbers for Bosnia and Rwanda (where cannibalism was practised) was not applicable. Yes, there was rape in this war, and yes Gaddafi had committed these atrocities. I said that in Misrata rape victims would not become prostitutes. I finally said that any practical help would be welcome.When I finished she first said, in English: 'do not teach me!', then continued in A rabic to say how she was a professor and had a PhD from London, etc, etc, then she said: 'yes, dr, even in Misrata they can become prostitutes' . People around me were saying la hawla walla kuwata illa billah......
By the way her husband came out when the 'seminar' ended and said how dare I criticise her and that he himself was FRCS and that I had a 'closed mind'.I replied that I was criticising her presentation and not his wife, as we have been taught in training.
Anyway, this was just to give you an idea about things. My opinion is that I wish that all this effort is focused on all women in Misrata, and especially those suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, rather than just rape victims who cannot be found. One lady I saw was suffering from severe PTSD following the death of her husband in her arms after a Grad missile attack, and another lady was shot at with her children (yet all survived) and could not function anymore. Are they not important? There isnt even a psychiatric department in Misrata, which is the most basic essential need, yet hundreds of people locally and abroad are focusing, for some reason or other, on rape only. If we focus on all women, that will inshallah include all kinds of victims.
Just to end on a high note, Misrata is doing much much better than what I thought before I went, and the morale of the people is, mashallah, amazing. Everyone is doing what they can in order for the city to run effectively (including militarily), and people are very much together.
Inshallah I will be returning to Misrata within the next few days.
Ramadan Kareem Wa Salaam Aleykum
Dr Ahmed Sewehli
Head, Misrata Psychiatry Team
Misrata, Libya
Oct 3, 2011
Arraya Human Right Organization Human right violations committed by Al-Geddafi and his aids - unspeakable atrocities and crimes.
I- Eyewitness 1:-
- Taken by force to the criminal investigation general administration –Tripoli.
- Confined to a collective crowded cell with neither places to sit nor to sleep.
- Bad smells intensively and intentionally hurt the prisoners.
- Garbage, rubbish, and waste products were accumulating and amassing every day, when prisoners asked to remove these material they were answered “shut up O’garbages” .
- Limited meals and drinks, just few loaves of bread, cheese and water.
- The guardians were all black skinned, non-Arabic speakers.
- Ten prisoners were raped and filmed to compel the others to stop talking about these crimes.
- A cousin of the witness (who had helped bringing the witness to the prison) visited him in the prison warning him that he would face the same fate if he didn’t accept to fight with Al-Gheddafi brigades, our witness said yes I would, he got out of the prison and fled immediately to Tunisia.
- Unfortunately, the witness family still supporting Al-Gheddafi and refused to receive our witness calling him a traitor.
II- Eyewitness 2, Enas Ibrahim:-
- Date: 30-3-2011 to 3-4-2011
- Crime: torture and rape.
- Enas was forced out of her car at a chick-point led (face masked) to unknown area where investigated. Tortured and raped for three days, then one of the guardians helped her to escape and advised her to flee to Tunisia to avoid re-detention, the witness observed that another girl was torture and raped in the same place.
III-Bloody crackdown on peaceful Tripoli demonstrators.
- Area: martyrs square and adjacent streets.
- The Demonstrators were shot and fired. a considerable number of them fell dead, wounded and captives.
- Tripoli residents became under strict besiege, no one could enter nor exit.
- Friday prayers were constantly and mercilessly targeted.
IV-Eyewitness 3, wounded, put in the morgue while still alive.
- Ramsy Mohamed Zaroug, 35 years old Tripoli and Gheryan resident.
- His apartment was stormed by Sahban brigades; his elderly sick mother and father as well as his wife were insulted brutally.
- Ramsy was shot, wounded and dragged out of his apartment by his legs, brought to a hospital, a doctor tried to save him but the troops asked the doctor to put him in the morgue while still alive
- The perpetrators:-
Captain Salem Milad Al-Gheddafi .
Major Almadany al-Magrahy (Sahban brigade).
Ahmed Allamoushy.
V- Osama Ibrahim Al-boashi
- Detained on the 5th of august 2011, according to the information given from Seham AL-Mennay (revolutionary committee member, detective, and armed TV broadcaster, dressed in military outfit).
- Osama, his computer and mobile along with two of his neighbors were taken at 01:00 am, hands-tied, faces masked.
- Osama’s charge was that his computer contained anti Al-Gheddafi data.
- The accused were severely tortured, insulted and hit with electric sticks by seventeen to twenty years old Libyan drug addicts.
VI- Abd Al-Salam Basheer Abd Al-Salam
- Detained (eyes covered, hands tied) by Al-Saadi brigades while he was going to the dawn prayer, according to data from Seham Al-Menaay (Al-Saadi brigades co-operator) taken to Arrijia custody where insulted, hit and tortured by different brutal means.
- Al-Saadi brigades stormed his father’s house confiscated 220,000 L.D (two hundred twenty thousand Libyan dinars), his passport and computers.
Alhadi Al-Azrag.
Fathi Al-Shpoky.
Ashraf Al-Torky.
Aimen Al-Torky.
Ahmed Hussain Al-Mariemy.
Faraj Al-Tarhony .
Mohammed Al-Khomsy.
Al-haj Al-Zadma (brother of Abd Al-Salam Al-Zadma).
VII- Adel Ahmed Nasr
- Four gunmen fired at a peaceful demonstration on the 20th of august 2011 killed 24 and wounded 40 others; the dead bodies were hidden by relatives and could only be buried two days after to avoid sniping fires.
VIII- Emad Ramadan Al-Shaabany.
- Taken from his house in 1995, killed in Abo-Sleem massacre 1996.
- His family was informed about his death in 2009
- From 1995 to 2009, prison guardians were receiving cloths and alimentation articles and gifts (supposed to be given to the prisoners) while in reality they were dead.
IX-Jalal Mohammed Shaheen
- On the 5th of June 2011, a band of twenty volunteers broke into his house, arrested him and his wife looted all his house contents (money, gold, documents and furniture)
- Jalal was severely insulted, hit and tortured
- Perpetrators:-
- Sameer Al-Foghy (volunteer commander).
- Mohamed Al-Geloshy (detective).
- Osama Al-Phandy.
- Osama’s charges :-
- His mobile contained Anti-Gheddafi data.
- Contacted with Al-Jazeera TV channel.
- Contacted with NATO.
- Fueling the rebels.
Colonel Jomaa Al-Sayah released Osama and half of the Abo-Sleem prisoners.
X- I witness Amer Omar Mohammed Shtiwi
- On 17th of July 2011 twelve cars stormed his house and took him into prison along with other sixteen of his colleges in single car which supposed only five persons.
XI- Abd-Alsalam Jebril Yasin.
- Tripoli resident detained on 5th of August 2011 by Al-Saadi brigades upon false data delivered by Seham Al-Mennay who said that his house contain arms ammunition.
- Perpetrator:-
- Al-Hadi Al-Azrag (volunteer commander) with a band of volunteer.
XII- Hussin Mohammed Hadiia Souid.
- Born in 1959.
- Detained on 8/3/1988 and since then no information about him.
- He was not released upon the amnesty in 2000.
- His brother Ahmed Mohammed Hadiia Souid Mobile No:- 092-5235596.
XIII- I witness
- The citizen Salah Ahmed Abd-Aullah Rizky 40 years old while was walking on the Martyrs Square he was snipped from an adjacent building (Taxes department of Ghiryan) and died, his brain was completely out of his skull.
- The victim could not be helped nor moved due to extensive sniper fire tell several hours later.
- Sahban brigades.
- Five snipers where detained by 17th February Revolutionaries.
XIV- Osama Al-Boashi.
- Alyarmok camp.
- Date 28th of August 2011.
- 150 burned bodies and other massive graves where discovered.
- The bodies could not be identified.
- An eye witness was among the detained stated that the victims were shot with RBG missiles and life bullets, some of the prisoner them escaped.
All these execution were under the command of Al-Khmis Al-Gheddafi.
Human rights violation committed by the Revolutionaries.
I- Naser Altaieb date: 25/8/2011
- Violations: Car theft
- Area: Ain Zara.
- The revolutionary stormed the residents house’s late in the night searching a car but terrifying people.
- Another group said to be revolutionist apologized to the residents.
II- Nader Abd-Alkader.
- Date: 21th of August 2011.
- Sedi Belal camp was burned and rubbed.
- Abd-Alkder Algeblawi Alwindi the commander of the camp who sent the students to the front lines to fight with Gheddafi brigades contacted Libyan TV Channel saying that rebels attacked and burned the camp.
- Janzour revolutionaries investigated the case.
III- Osama Alboashi.
- Date: 28th of August 2011.
- A group of revolutionaries robbed and burned public and private property.
IV- Hani Ibrahim Algmaty.
- Area: Bir Alalem.
- Revolutionaries from Tripoli and Arada stormed and robbed my farm, house, and car.
Algaddafi regime has committed unforgettable crimes against the humanity.
These crimes and violations should be collected, documented, published, and propagated in different media forms.
Perpetrators should be brought to justice and punished as should be to justice to be a lesson for anyone who imitates Gheddafi regime and his abominable ways he used to suppress his opponents.