A refugee said "I cannot go back to my country because of the following points: 1. Imprisonment and Persecution 2. Torture and punishment 3. Electric torture 4. Beating with the stick on the feet (corporal punishment) 5. threatening me to be killed 6. Lack of human rights organizations which can lobby against human rights violation in the country. 7. Threatening to abuse my family members. 8. Demolition of my house. Due to all that I can’t go back".

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Jun 7, 2008

when pictures cry

When pictures cry

It is our eyes that cry
It is our hearts that feel the pain

At the end it is our mixed feelings that survive

But it is the same tear that comes down

Different pictures

Different pains

And different attitudes
But it is similar in one thing
The same tears are shed

Perhaps a man crys when his team team loses...
like it is nowadays

Perhaps he came out of the safety
of his mother's womb to the harshness of life...
he crys

Or when his mother is dying ....

he crys

Perhaps they were evicted
of their home unjustly and oppressed ....

they cry

Or when he Carries a beloved person to him to the worst place ......

to say bye forever ...

He crys

He might have lost a Friend
used to help raping chaste girls
and breaking families .....
he crys

Or perhaps he is looking at such a picture ...
he crys

It is moving
so I send it to you with pain and tears

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