A refugee said "I cannot go back to my country because of the following points: 1. Imprisonment and Persecution 2. Torture and punishment 3. Electric torture 4. Beating with the stick on the feet (corporal punishment) 5. threatening me to be killed 6. Lack of human rights organizations which can lobby against human rights violation in the country. 7. Threatening to abuse my family members. 8. Demolition of my house. Due to all that I can’t go back".

Home Page

May 24, 2010

Public Meeting Thurs 27th May 7:30 PM

Thurs 27th May 7:30 PM - Public Meeting: US Army out of Shannon - Troops out of Afghanistan
Public Meeting: US Army out of Shannon - Troops out of Afghanistan.
Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement

1. Public Meeting: US Army out of Shannon - Troops out of Afghanistan
Venue: WYNNS Hotel - Lower Abbey Str. Dublin
Date: Thurs 27th May - 19:30
John Lannon - Shannonwatch
Roger Cole - PANA
Cllr Richard Boyd Barrett - IAWM

2. Donating to the Irish Anti-War Movement
To set-up a standing order with the Irish-Anti War Movement please go to the following link
http://www.irishantiwar.org/files/standing-order-form.doc fill in the form and post to the Irish Anti-War Movement P.O. Box 9260 Dublin 1.

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